Enviroment (Blender Project)

Enviroment (Blender Project)

this i my final piece for the 3D Unit in my course, we weree to make an enviroment using the pieces we have made from previous weeks of work, with what i have mader in this unit i decided to make a flat department that has a bedroom and dining room combined, in o0ne side i have made a dining room with a table and chair set, cuboard

Common primatives

Cubes are used in mesh construction as a basic starting block for any mesh work needing block based structure.
Pyramids are 3d triangular shape meshes that are used mostly for adding lenght and pointy objests into meshes,
Cylinders are circular meshes that are circular at the top and botom parts while the length is stright like a barrel, this is used for various mesh models from sword handles to roman pillars.
Spheres are used for circular meshes that require a full sphere like a fooot ball or an ornament on top of a cane